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August Bach / LIFE photography / Everything

August Bach / LIFE photography / Artist statement

Artist statement

© 2023 by August Bach.  Images and content copyright August Bach.  All rights reserved

How to photograph LIFE.


Take a big black box

and climb into it.  

Close it up.

Then, you poke a hole into one of the walls with a pin.

Do you see how the light comes in?

How it shows the world from the outside but upside down on the wall of the box?

Now, peer through that pinhole until there is nothing else in your mind but what is 

reflected on the walls at the back of the box - in this case, your head.


When there is nothing else left but what is there in front of you -

When everything else, the box, the thoughts of the box, the stresses of being alone in that box

fall away...

That's your soul

reflected in the world out there.

Capture that.

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